Tutankhamun mummy

Tutankhamun  mummy

Tutankhamun  mummy
Tutankhamun Mummy

In February 2010 the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism has decided to allow display Pharaonic mummy   
of King Tutankhamun, the young man in front of the public for the first time since its discovery with the Golden Mausoleum in the city of Luxor 85 years ago.
The director of the Egyptian Antiquities Zahi Hawass as saying that Egyptian scientists began more than two years before the restoration of the mummy of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, which was severely damaged after out briefly from the stone coffin when subjected to CT scans. He added that the bulk of the body of the mummy is fragmented into 18 pieces look Khjarh parts were broken when he was discovered by British archaeologist Howard Carter first time and remove it from the grave and tried to remove the golden mask which covered the face of King Tutankhamun and pointed out that the mystery surrounding Tutankhamun and his tomb Golden aroused the curiosity and enthusiasm of the fans of ancient Egyptian studies since Carter revealed the mummy in the November 4, 1922, and what was in store for the treasures of gold and precious stones.
Scientists have had dragged Mummy "Tutankhamun" from her grave and laid it on the CT scan sophisticated table for a quarter of an hour in 2005 in order to obtain a three-dimensional image of the mummy more than 3,000 years old. And the results of the medical examination has ruled that the young pharaoh had died were killed, but it could not precisely determine the method of his death, which occurred in the year 1323 BC. Images have discovered that King Tutankhamun suffered a broken left thigh, caused by an accident probably led to his injury later fatal disease can not be determined. It also provided images at the time an unprecedented disclosure about the life of a young man who is one of the most famous kings of ancient Egypt, the pharaoh, including that he was healthy because of good nutrition, despite relatively transform its structure, which does not exceed 170 cms tall England when he died. There Ashiyaegribe occur each Mnatkhalha example, first discovered the world of Matt poisoning and some believe that because of the food and others believe  that because of the curse of the pharaohs

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